Screen tearing issues in Overwatch 2? Here’s what to do

All gamers would like to play with the highest graphics quality settings, but that may not always be the optimal scenario depending on your playstyle. Players looking to climb up Overwatch 2’s ranked ladder will often prioritize frames and overall smoothness in gameplay over graphics quality.

Issues like screen tearing can negatively impact players’ gaming experience, causing them to underperform. Screen tearing can make it difficult to aim or spot enemies in their extreme forms.

Screen tearing generally occurs due to refresh rate inconsistencies or overall graphical performance, and there are a few solutions players can try out to fix the issue.

Increase FPS in Overwatch 2 by lowering your in-game settings

Most screen-treating issues arise when a player’s frame rate is lower than their monitor’s refresh rate. If you’re averaging 120 frames per second (fps) on a 240Hz monitor, you’ll need to lower your in-game settings to increase your frame rates.

Optimizing your in-game graphical settings for the best performance often requires setting most configurations to Low. Once you’re done adjusting your settings, Overwatch 2 may look noticeably worse, but the additional frames might be just enough to fix your screen tearing.

Turn on Vsync in Overwatch 2

Vsync is one of the first settings that players turn off to reduce the overall latency in Overwatch 2. While disabling the setting just does that, it can also cause screen tearing in some cases.

Head over to Overwatch 2’s graphical settings and turn on Vsync to see if it fixes the screen tearing on your system.

Try out Nvidia’s G-Sync and Fast Sync, or AMD FreeSync and Enhanced Sync

Both Nvidia and AMD have dedicated technologies that aim to reduce/eliminate screen tearing. If you have Nvidia Fast Sync or Enhanced Sync available on your system, try using them first since they’re the more improved version that minimizes input lag.

If those two options aren’t available to you, turn on Nvidia G-Sync and AMD FreeSync to fix your screen tearing in Overwatch 2.

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