July 11
9:00 am
4:00 pm
After the successful first-ever UNC Greensboro (UNCG) Scholastic Esports Championships for high school students in North Carolina, UNCG is now committed to providing the most current gaming knowledge to the younger generation. This summer, UNCG will be providing summer camps for esports and gaming for youth ages 8-14.
The camps take place at the Esports Arena on the UNCG campus and include six one-week programs during which attendees will learn two key subjects per week. Topics range from game engineering and narrative construction, to 3D game design and gamecasting, providing youth with the chance to develop skills in a rapidly expanding industry.
Weekly esports and gaming camps start on Monday, July 3, 2023, and finish on Friday, August 11, 2023. For more information on camp costs and other details, please visit: https://esports.uncg.edu/summer-camp/