Darwin Unveils First Digital Games and Esport Centre

The Territory’s inaugural integrated digital gaming and esports centre, The Array, was formally unveiled to the general public today. It’s a joint project spearheaded by Larrikin Interactive’s Dylan Bennet and Nick Hanigan of Paspaley Pearls Properties. This follows a spectacular international esports event, the Philippines v Australia Invitational Tekken 8 Team Battle, which took place at the centre’s launch the previous evening.

The Array, which is housed in the historic Victoria Hotel in Darwin, is set to emerge as the Territory’s hub for digital entertainment, educational endeavours, and commercialisation of innovation. In the past year, the Territory Labor Government put forth The Array as the victorious candidate in its first-ever Territory Innovation Challenge for the establishment of a digital gaming and esports centre.

The goal of the Territory Innovation Challenges Program is to position the Territory as an attractive destination for future investment, create employment opportunities and facilitate economic growth, all while accelerating the progression toward an economy rooted in innovation.

Here’s what Joel Bowden, the Minister for Business and Jobs, had to say:

“This is an important day for the Northern Territory as we officially inaugurate The Array, an epicenter for tech education and digital revolution in Darwin City. This marks the beginning of the next chapter in the Territory’s tech industry.”

“Having a digital gaming and esports centre located in Darwin provides Territorians with a stepping stone into one of the most rapidly expanding global industries.”

“Projections indicate that the combined revenue of the video game and esports industry amounted to US$215.6 billion worldwide in 2021, with approximately half of this revenue being generated in the Asia Pacific region in the same year.”

“Given our geographic proximity to the South East Asian market, the Territory enjoys a distinct locational advantage in attracting future investment in the digital gaming and esports domain, which is likely to trigger economic growth and job creation.”

Dylan Bennett, the CEO of the Array, shared his thoughts:

“More than just a refurbished historic site within the Victoria Hotel, The Array serves as a melting pot for the for the realization of dreams, origination of innovative ideas, and collaboration of the community toward a digitally-driven future.”

“The initial funding received from the Northern Territory Government via the Territory Innovation Challenges Program expedited our journey from concept to reality and also reaffirmed their faith in our mission to nurture local tech talent through education.”

“The Array stretches beyond the confines of being merely a tech academia; it stands as a catalyst for economic growth and innovation in the Territory. Our commitment is to equip digital creatives and tech enthusiasts in our community with the skills required to innovate and compete on an international front.”

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