And Justice for All: How does it feel to be a referee or judge connected with a boxing controversy?

And Justice for All: How does it feel to be a referee or judge connected with a boxing controversy?

By Elliot Worsell SOME like to be noticed. Others don’t. The best, we’re told, are the latter kind, the ones who shy away from attention, but sometimes being noticed isn’t necessarily by design. Howard Foster, for example, is one referee who doesn’t like to be noticed. It’s not his thing. Never has been. Yet, at … Read more

Terror Management: How do boxers deal with nerves ahead of a fight?

By Elliot Worsell SPEND time in a boxer’s changing room on fight night and you will come away not only certain there are few environments as tense or nerve-wracking but equally certain the success of a boxer has as much to do with controlling their mind ahead of a fight as controlling their body once … Read more