Oz homecoming on the cards for Paro after perfect Puerto Rican performance

Options are plentiful for Liam Paro, who ventured into enemy territory to dethrone a surprisingly lacklustre Subriel Matias, who appeared lethargic or possibly complacent. A fight in Australia could now be in the cards for the new IBF champion.
Eric Armit
dissects exactly how his title-winning effort unfolded.

Round 1

Paro immediately utilized his right jab, with Matias hiding behind a high guard, allowing Paro to sneak inside and land hooks to the body. Matias attempted a few jabs, but Paro fired a series of shots from both hands.

Score: 10-9 Paro

Round 2

Matias showed more life, and Paro was warned for leading with his head. Matias tried to get inside by bobbing and weaving, but Paro continued to land jabs and body punches. Matias landed a left hook to the body but failed to cut off the ring, allowing Paro to land straight lefts.

Score: 10-9 Paro (Paro 20-18)

Round 3

Matias maintained a high guard and threw minimal punches. Paro danced around him, landing jabs and hooks, although the punches lacked power. Matias attempted a late flurry of hooks in the round.

Score: 10-9 Matias (Paro 29-28)

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