The joy of seeing your name in Boxing News

By Elliot Worsell

20 years ago, I was preparing to write my first feature for Boxing News with the hope of it being published in an August issue. This was after failed attempts with previous pieces. Despite setbacks, I persisted and finally got a feature on David Haye and Carl Thompson’s fight at Wembley Arena.

Interviewing Haye and being part of his training camp was a thrilling experience. The piece was a success, complete with exclusive pictures from Haye. Holding the published article was a moment of pure joy and validation.

Though there were disappointments along the way, like a portion of the feature being cut, the experience was invaluable. It taught me about the highs and lows of print journalism.

Reflecting on Haye’s fight with Thompson, it was a lesson in humility. Thompson’s victory showed that new ideas don’t always guarantee success. The night ended without the anticipated afterparty.

The defeat was a learning curve for Haye and a reminder for all of us to respect experience and substance over style. These lessons stayed with me as I continued my writing journey with Boxing News until eventually being offered a full-time position in 2017.

Looking back on my first article for Boxing News as I write my farewell piece, I can’t help but marvel at the journey. What the determined 17-year-old version of myself would have felt knowing I’d have two decades of bylines in the magazine is beyond imagination. It truly is a dream come true.

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