The Boxing News app is here

The Boxing News App is now available, offering a unique experience for boxing fans worldwide. Dec Taylor sits down with Boxing News Chief Technology Officer, Benyamin Farooqi, and Adam Patton, Managing Director of CheckD Dev, to explore the app’s features.

What is the Boxing News app?

AP: The Boxing News app is a platform where boxing enthusiasts can engage with fellow fans, test their knowledge, and stay updated with the latest news, videos, and content directly from the Boxing News team.

BF: The app offers a variety of features that cater to the needs of boxing fans. These include a prediction league, live scorecard functionality, ringwalk reminder notifications, and access to Boxing News content feed.

Why is the app essential for boxing?

BF: The app addresses key concerns within the sport. The Live Scorecard feature allows fans to share their opinions and challenge controversial decisions. The Prediction League enables fans to compete against friends and industry experts, offering cash prizes. The Ringwalk Reminder ensures fans never miss a fight, whether at home or abroad.

AP: Overall, the app provides a platform for fans to engage in a fun and interactive manner, filling a void in the boxing community.

How does the Prediction League function?

BF: The Prediction League offers an intuitive interface where users select winners and methods of victory for upcoming fights. Users can also compete against others and track their progress on the leaderboard.

AP: This feature, unique to boxing, allows fans to engage easily with fights, adding excitement and enjoyment to the sport.

Why choose an app over a website or social media?

AP: The app provides a premium user experience with native functionality, such as push notifications for ringwalk reminders, enhancing user engagement during fight nights.

How does the scorecard feature operate?

BF: The scorecard feature allows users to score fights round by round, share their scores on social media, and view real-time feedback from other fans, providing an interactive and engaging experience.

What makes this app unique in the marketplace?

AP: The Boxing News app stands out in the boxing market, offering innovative features and a roadmap for further development. The collaboration between CheckD and Boxing News ensures a high-quality product for fans.

How will the app build a community?

AP: The app aims to foster a community of fans through interactive features like the league and scorecard functionality, encouraging user engagement and participation.

Will fighters be involved in the app?

BF: Industry experts, fighters, coaches, journalists, and influencers will contribute predictions to the app, allowing fans to compete against renowned figures in the industry.

How long did it take to develop the app?

AP: The app concept was in development for some time before a partnership was established to bring it to fruition. It took six months to build the app with enhanced features for Boxing News fans.

Will the app continue to evolve?

AP: The app will expand with new features based on user feedback and industry trends, ensuring ongoing enhancement and customization for boxing fans.

BF: Future plans include accessing historical archives, streaming boxing shows, and incorporating fan-powered rankings, tailoring the app to meet user preferences.

Download the Boxing News app

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