Editor’s Letter: Why it won’t be long before both Crawford and Inoue lose a fight

Editor's Letter: Why it won’t be long before both Crawford and Inoue lose a fight

BOXING history dictates that both Terence Crawford and Naoya Inoue, who grace the cover this week as the leading fighters in the sport, will one day lose a fight. Furthermore, it will likely happen sooner rather than later. The cover of the first boxing magazine I remember buying featured the best two boxers of the … Read more

The 10 scariest fighters in boxing reimagined as classic horror films

By Elliot Worsell ODDLY, despite the fact boxing consists of scores of well-trained men and women trying to punch one another in the head until someone is left unconscious, the scariest aspects of the sport have nothing to do with the boxers whatsoever. Though it is true, yes, that events in the ring can sometimes … Read more