How to kick yourself in CS:GO

Counter-Strike is one of the most in-depth, tactical, and teamplay-based games in all esports. The smallest movements can throw off your kills, and losing a weapon at the end of a round can ruin your economy, therefore ruining your chances later on in the game.

This game is precision-perfect, and because of this, it can drive you up the wall with anger. Things go wrong constantly, and unless you’re a professional, you can get into that mindset that keeps you tilted and makes you want to rage-quit.

With this being said, there are certain ways to fix this.

You can use a stress ball, or you can just get yourself kicked from the CS:GO lobby. Sometimes the latter is the best way to just move on to the next match.

How do I kick myself in CS:GO?

Kicking yourself in CS:GO is one of the ways to leave without getting a ban. For those who have long-term bans beyond 30 minutes, there are instances that are forgivable. However, those who have seven-day bans, you brought this upon yourself. 

But you can still benefit from this, I can’t stop you from reading this. 

Unfortunately, it’s a process. The usual way of kicking players won’t get you anywhere, literally. 

Open up your console, if you don’t know how to do this, visit some of our other articles. 

Type “~” into the console, and then add “status” (no question marks needed), and then you’ll see a bunch of text pop up on in your console. Find your name within that list, then locate the digits on the left side of your name. Once you’ve got those numbers stuck in your noggin, type into the console “callvote kick number *** **”.

Another example would be “callvote kick number 622 18”, and if those were your numbers, a vote-kick prompt would appear on your teammate’s screens.

Don’t forget calling votes does affect your rating, which determines the caliber of players you match with. The lower your rating, the more toxic players you’ll find yourself with.

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