How to report players in Phasmorphobia

Kinetic Games’ coop horror Phasmophobia has taken the gaming world by storm, as their shiny-new update to the 2020 title is adding a bunch of new features.

For players who haven’t heard of Phasmorphobia, users will play as paranormal investigators searching through a collection of haunted areas, seeking out any ghostly precedence, and relinquishing the house of each and every spooky being within.

Players will record every encounter they experience, either by setting up CCTV cameras or by charging into the unknown and going toe-to-toe with each paranormal being they find.

Phasmorphia is even rumored to introduce PvP modes in future updates and DLCs, giving fans ample opportunity to scare their friends.

How do I report players in Phasmophobia?

The update also brings the possibility of reporting players, which was something existing users were eager to use. Toxic behavior is unsettling in the most relaxing of situations, so experiencing toxicity in a horror game is something players can do without.

Kinetic Games has unfortunately not confirmed how to report players. But with other games simply integrating it into the system, there is no doubt it won’t be a difficult task.

It is likely to be the push of a button, however, until Kinetic Games releases the update we can only speculate.

That’s all we know about the upcoming ability to report players in Phasmorphia, Dot Esports will keep you up to date as soon as information is released.

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